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2 Translation results for about to in Spanish

preposition | adverb

to preposition

unfavorite favorite play sound
a; hacia; en, sobre; hasta; de; de acuerdo con; en cada, por

Example sentences of
to preposition

  • Right now, it's 25 minutes to 10:00.

Synonyms of
to preposition

to adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
a un estado consciente

Example sentences of
to adverb

  • The wind blew the door to.

Reverse translation for about to

a  - to, in the manner of, on, by means of, per, each, at 
hacia  - toward, towards, near, around, about 
en  - in, on, at 
sobre  - on, on top of, over, above, about 
hasta  - until, up until, as far as, up to 
de  - of, from, in, at, than 
por  - for, during, as for, times, from, according to, as, for, by 
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